Feedback for the clinic from male visitorsThank you for visiting Next Fertility Nordic!We appreciate your feedback so we can provide even better services at our clinic. Please give your anonymous feedback and spare few minutes. 1. How did you find out about our clinic? * A friend recommended the clinicI found the clinic through Google-Web searchMy doctor recommended the clinicI found the clinic on Social MediaOther, please indicate 2. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the clinic (rooms, privacy, location)?* Very satisfiedSatisfiedNot satisfiedOther (please specify) 3. Was the information provided by the employees clear to you?* Everything was clearSome of the information was clearInformation was completely unclear (Please give your recommendations) 4. Would you like to bring out something which could improve our service? 5. Would you recommend the clinic to your friend?* YesNo 6. Posting my feedback anonymously in social media and on the clinic web-page.* I give consent to post my feedback anonymously on the clinic web page or social media posts. If you would like us to reply to you, please add your email address and we will contact you I agree to the privacy terms.