Blast2 guarantee with donor eggs

Blast2 package information for patients

Blast2 guarantee with donor eggs

Blast2 guarantee

The aim of the Blast2 package is to guarantee the patient two blastocysts for transplantation or a clinical pregnancy in the case of a single blastocyst transplant.

  • The package involves the creation of blastocysts using donor oocytes and partner or donor sperm
  • Any viable blastocysts will be frozen on Day 5 or 6 of embryo development
  • 2 blastocysts are guaranteed OR a clinical pregnancy from 1 blastocyst transferred
  • After the blastocysts have been frozen, cycle preparation for a frozen embryo transfer cycle can begin
  • The allinclusive fee for the package is €8000 (€4000 for a patient with health insurance).
Blast2 package price includes
  • Online session with donor coordinator
  • Online session with biobank manager (Embryologist)
  • Egg donor selection, counselling, screening, karyotype and carrier testing
  • Egg donor medications and their compensation
  • Anonymous donor eggs (fresh or frozen)
  • Sperm preparation (and MAR test if necessary)
  • Fertilization using IVF or ICSI (at the discretion of the lab)
  • Electronic identity tracking (RI Witness)
  • Embryo culture in timelapse incubator (EmbryoScope)
  • Embryo selection using artificial intelligence scoring program(CHLOE)
  • Cycle summary report with videos of the frozen embryos
  • Embryo freezing (+ 2months storage included)
  • One frozen embryo transfer (FET) in EmbryoGlue
  • Cycle coordination
Not included
  • Doctor appointments, medications, ultrasounds, screening for patient (except for Health Insurance patients)
  • Anonymous donor sperm from Next Fertility Nordic biopank (€400)
  • Ordering donor sperm cells (including Open ID) from another biobank (e.g. Cryos, ESB, Fairfax)
  • Sperm freezing (if required) (400 €)
  • Embryo cryo storage after the first 2 months (€1/day)
  • PGTA SMART PLUS (€1200 for embryo biopsy + €265 per embryo tested) if requested
  • Additional FET procedures in EmbryoGlue + coordination (€1240 + 295) if necessary
Terms and conditions of the Blast2 package
  • In order to be eligible for the guarantee, semen parameters (on the day of insemination) require >1 million total motile sperm with a morphology of 2% or higher (Kruger strict criteria) and cannot originate from surgical procedures: MESA, TESE, TESA, or PESA
  • In case only 1 suitable blastocyst is frozen, it will be transferred via frozen embryo transfer with the aim of obtaining a pregnancy and live birth
  • If there is no clinical pregnancy established from 1 frozen embryo transfer (clinical pregnancy is defined as a sac on 6-week ultrasound), the cycle for obtaining the second blastocyst will begin at no additional cost. The same egg donor may no longer be available