We all have periods in life that can be difficult to deal with alone. Health and infertility related issues are very personal and can often be uncomfortable or confusing to discuss with people close to us. If a family member, partner, or friend has not gone through a similar experience in life, he or she may not know how to be supportive.
Our experience counsellor is specially trained and can be relatable to a lot of our patients since she has gone through the fertility/IVF process herself. Talking with an experience counsellor gives you the opportunity to share your story and express different aspects of your experience, even those that you may not have shared before. An experience counsellor helps a person to better understand their situation and come to terms with their diagnosis. They find resources to help patients cope and plan for any next steps.
Who can benefit from IVF experience counseling?
Infertility testing and treatment can often cause many emotions to arise. For example: denial, guilt, fear, pressure, and grief after miscarriage. IVF experience counselling (IVF coaching) can help to get rid of painful memories, provide coping strategies to deal with a crisis and allows patients to make informed decisions regarding their treatment. We welcome all patients to inquire about experience counselling at any stage of their journey.
“He who wants to be healthy has already partially recovered”
(Giavanni Boccaccio).

About Inna Ossiptšuk
Inna joined the Next Fertility Nordic team in 2017. Before that, she worked at Tartu University for 20 years as a lecturer in Turkish language and literature. Inna is the experience counsellor at the clinic to both patients and donors. She also has the role of donor coordinator which involves communicating between gamete donors, medical staff, and patients. Inna’s desire to help others has not changed over time, be it by teaching a foreign language, helping with donor selection for a treatment cycle, or relieving a patient from the stress of infertility treatment. She is an active and positive-minded person with a special interest in translation and psychology.
Inna graduated from Tallinn University with a bachelor’s degree in Russian Philology and a master’s degree in Oriental Philology (Turkish language and literature). She has undertaken international trainings in Estonia and Turkey. In 2021, she completed a training course in experiential counselling.
Estonian, Russian, Turkish, English